Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Holy Spirit Permeation

          I declare that I am permeated with the Holy Spirit.  Just as I once possessed a sinful nature that so dominated me and dictated who I was, and which was rotten through and through with every type of corruption, infinitely moreso is my life now dominated and dictated by the Holy spirit. And since Christ is supreme, EVERY part, EVERY area that constitutes Thomas Goodwin is whole and filled through and through with the Spirit.  Everything that is Thomas has been soaked and is completely permeated by the Holy Spirit.

          Paul says in Ephesians 5:18b "...let the Holy Spirit fill and control you."  Paul goes on to say that the result or the evidence of letting the Holy Spirit fill and control is singing songs, hymns and spiritual songs.  Speaking, which includes singing, is evidence of a Spirit filled life.  And not just any speaking, of course.  You speak Spirit-inspired words that constitute the language of the Kingdom of God.  A language filled with substance and prophetic unction.

          There is a learning (and possibly an unlearning) that happens when you are being taught the language of the Spirit, which by the way, is not only tongues.  As you are put in various situations, your actions, especially your words, become Holy Ghost tempered and Biblically justified.  But they become more than just Biblically justified, they become Biblically founded.  As you continue to chew on God's Word and experience the reality of Christ in His resurrection AND His ascension, you will discover that the foundation of your very selfhood is the Word.  In fact, it will constitute your identity.

          As Dr. Brown said, "We try to go through the day without leaving God out instead of having Him as the foundation of who we are."  THAT is deeper.  We should no longer wear our faith like apparel.  Jesus inhabits our very being, and His will is that our words, actions, and thoughts all flow from a place of rest in Him.  Our dispositions and even our complexions should reflect a deep, unshakable assurance of a place prepared by God for His faithful PEOPLE.

          To Him who is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the Amen who holds the seven stars in His right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands, may the full reward of His suffering be given.  And to God, His Father and ours, be Glory, Honor, and Power forever.  Selah.


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