The revealing of Jesus Christ calls the lives of those who see Him into radical obedience. When God unveils aspects of his nature to humanity, that encounter alters the identify of all those who have been exposed to such a sight. Before obedience can occur, God always reveals himself to a people. His revealing of Himself empowers those who have become awestruck to do the impossible. This happens to an individual person or to a nation through a man with a revelation. Seeing him empowers obedience. We all have seen him in some degree or another. What act of obedience has that revelation produced? How well do you see him? Do you see him as he really is or do you see him as our world or experience has defined him. The level of obedience depends on the level of revelation. Before we can do the thing obedience requires of us, we must first hear him and not our imagination of him. Obedience really means to hear. Once we hear clearly, the right action can be carried out. Remember who it is who is speaking. Seeing him and hearing him directs our life into our destiny. My sheep hear my voice. Oh the joy in life to know I am where I am doing what I am doing because I have seen him and I have heard him and I know him and he knows me! Life is not random. My life has purpose. God loves me and loves to show himself strong to me. Oh the confidence in life to know the path I am on is lead by the shepherd!
Tuesday morning I was considering briefly the life of Moses. He had such weakness to really come into his destiny. He didn't know what to do with what was in his heart. His efforts wouldn't come close to the deliverance power needed to perform 10 miraculous signs. The word weakness is a key word. Immediately, Romans 8 came to mind... “the Spirit helps us in our weakness, we do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans to deep for words.” Such confidence of the Spirit's help was being pumped into my heart. I thought of Hebrews 11 “Whose weakness was turned to strength.” these thoughts lead me into a conversation around 2Cor. 11-13. The theme of strength being made perfect in weakness.
Then I read 2 Cor 13:1 This will be my third visit to you. “Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witness.”
Paul is using this text from Deuteronomy to firmly establish the word in the Corinthian churches. They will either obey or they will not. The testimony has been established in two ways. First, Paul's obedience to bring the word which will establish them if they are obedient to the word. Paul brought the culture of the kingdom not merely a word spoken, but a life lived out in front of them. Secondly, a mere length of time being exposed to the word has elapsed. The word is now established.
For the King's People September will mark the beginning of the 4th year of our run through the cycle of seasons. The witness of 3 years and 4 seasons each has elapsed. The word of the King's people has been established. It has been established by sheer passage of time and our faithful obedience to the revelation of the 4 season. It would be hard for us to think differently now. Every season has not reached it's full maturity in expression, but it is established, the witnesses have confirmed we are guilty of being The King's People, who have become a certain expression of the church concerned for the ultimate plan of the King-the summing up of all things under Christ.
I feel there is going to be an increase of specific revelation in the upcoming seasons. The Lord has built a framework in which he can speak to us about things on His heart. Seasonal themes will flow into each other and cause momentum to build. From now on I feel revelation will be given in each season which will grant us an assignment of obedience to build this work. Revelation establishes radical obedience. It's coming.
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