Thursday, March 8, 2012

So this week I realized it only takes one or two minor hiccups in the rhythm of my day to challenge the delicate nature of my resident peace. Bless me, I have a lot of days to turn this delicate peace into an immoveable mighty fortress of peace because most days have more than two hiccups.
As I was driving to work a few days ago I was under mind numbing spell as it seemed. Thoughts, clearly not my own, would flutter through my mind depositing a subtle impression of hopelessness towards just about everything I had hope in. Then the veil lifted for a second and off in some swamp was an ugly troll of a lie monster spewing out lies at a tireless pace. I was really bugged at the deception which accompanied these darting lies because they so easily found acceptance in my mind. My simple and subtle agreement of these lies produced the spell I found myself in.

I ask the Lord for a stainless steel heart.
I stopped.
Did I just say that?

I don't want a hardened heart, but I want a heart that is resistant to the erosion of faith that lies seem to cause. So I thought of things made of stainless steel. The sheer nature of stainless steel possess a DNA structure that has a built in resistance to the corrosive and erosive elements in our environment.

I have something much better than the DNA properties of stainless steel. I am born of an incorruptible seed which possess the Divine Nature.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christ is Our Peace

"For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace." (Ephesians 2:14-15, NKJV)

The Prince of Peace is one of the many titles given to our Savior, Redeemer, King Jesus; for He is the Reconciler, who has rended the veil between man and God, bringing peace between us and The Father and giving us free access to Him.  By God's grace we have been saved, being born of the Kingdom and co-heirs with Christ.  These are things that He has accomplished: things of which He dreamed long before the world began; and the summing of those things are IN CHRIST.  This verse above is part of that summing up: that In Him there is neither Jew nor Gentile, but one new man, who was created In Christ when He broke down the middle wall of separation, abolishing the enmity and making it possible for God to dwell in us: we are residencies of the Spirit.

One new man.  An entirely different breed of people.  This was His plan from the beginning: to have people who carry the presence of God; who strive to let the Holy Spirit be fully Himself within them; and who have a radically intimate relationship with the Father, free of the anxieties this world and its people possess; able to see from new heights in the Spirit.  These are the new Jesus People.  And all this because of Him who brought peace and whose rule in our lives is one of peace, in place of the chaos we see all around us.